Thursday 5 March 2009

About Photographers...

They say that we Photographers are a blind race at best; that we learn to look at even the prettiest faces as so much light and shade; that we seldom admire, and never love. This is a delusion I long to break through - if I could only find a young lady to photograph, realising my ideal of beauty... I feel sure that I could shake off this cold, philosophic lethargy.
from "A Photographer's Day Out" by Charles Dodgson, 1860

Charles Dodgson is more commonly known as Lewis Carroll. As well as writing Alice in Wonderland, Carroll was also a mathematician, logician and photographer. You can see some of his work here.

Tuesday 18 November 2008


On the trip to JT, I picked up a nifty little camera called a Ninoka NK-700. It looks (and feels) like an Holga but it shoots 35mm film. The aperture is variable from f/6 to f/16 with corresponding pictures from clouds to sunshine!

I used this camera on a trip to the Salton Sea over the weekend. The images have a very Lomo esque feel to them, but slightly distinctive. This toy camera was fun to shoot with. The images below were all shot with the NK-700 and scanned with a Noritsu S2 Film Scanner.


Mud piles

General Sherman


Bible Versus

Joshua Tree National Park - Tuesday 11th November 2008

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asparagales
Family: Agavaceae
Genus: Yucca
Species: Y. brevifolia

Biological name - Yucca Brevifolia

Some Travelling Companions:





Some pictures from the day:



Joshua Tree

Life through a viewfinder:

Hassy Landscape

Hassy Mitch

Hassy Jacob

This was a great day all round, with a buch of awesome folk from OCC. There was not enough time in the day, next time there will be a sunrise and we will find the Ranch and the Mines!

For more images from the day see Albert's Blog.